Azhari Andi published “Story” 8 bulan lalu
Azhari Andi published “Story” 8 bulan lalu
Azhari Andi wrote a new post, Authoritarianism & Islamic Legal Thought: Khaled Abou Fadhl 2 tahun lalu
Sharia, along with faith and morals, is one of Islam’s pillars. Sharia and its interpretation have been widely contested from the classical to the modern eras. The abundance offiqh works from ancient and medieval […]
Azhari Andi wrote a new post, Islamization of Knowledge: From Ismail al-Faruqi to Seyyed H. Nashr 2 tahun lalu
Muslim scholars have debated the concept of Islamization of knowledge for the last 30 years. Naquib al-Attas, a contemporary Malaysian philosopher, coined this phrase while speculating on the relationship between […]
Azhari Andi's profile was updated 2 tahun, 1 bulan lalu
Azhari Andi wrote a new post, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi; Voicing the Middle Path of Islam 2 tahun, 1 bulan lalu
Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi is a well-known and well-respected religious scholar in the Muslim world. Anne Balen Soage states that Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s thoughts can be considered a moderate voice from the Muslim world who […]
Azhari Andi wrote a new post, Wasatiyyah in The Perspective of Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani 2 tahun, 2 bulan lalu
After the extremist group, Al-Qaeda, bombed the World Trade Center in New York City in September 2001, discouse on wasatiyyah Islam (moderate Islam) has been increasing. This tragedy has harmed the image of Islam […]
Azhari Andi's profile was updated 2 tahun, 2 bulan lalu
Azhari Andi wrote a new post, Converging Shari’a and Sufism: Imam al-Ghazali 2 tahun, 2 bulan lalu
Imam al-Ghazali is a famous scholar in the Islamic world. His full name is Abu Hamid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ṭaws Aḥmad al-Ṭusi al-Ghazali. He was born in 1058 AD/450 AH in Ghazalah, a village nea […]
Azhari Andi's profile was updated 2 tahun, 3 bulan lalu
Saadah dan Azhari Andi sekarang adalah kawan 2 tahun, 3 bulan lalu
Muhammad Syachrofi dan Azhari Andi sekarang adalah kawan 2 tahun, 3 bulan lalu
Azhari Andi wrote a new post, Menikah Karena Materi Bukan Berarti Matre 5 tahun, 5 bulan lalu
Manusia diciptakan hidup berpasang-pasangan (QS. al-Rum: 21). Manusia tidak bisa hidup tanpa orang lain, dalam istilah Aristoteles (384-322 SM) disebut sebagai Zoon Poloticon, atau makhluk yang pada dasarnya […]
Abdur Rauf dan Azhari Andi sekarang adalah kawan 5 tahun, 6 bulan lalu
Azhari Andi wrote a new post, Luasnya Cakupan Sabar dalam Kehidupan 5 tahun, 6 bulan lalu
Sabar merupakan akhlak terpuji yang harus ditanamkan dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Sabar bukanlah masalah sekunder atau pelengkap, tetapi masalah primer yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas material dan […]
Azhari Andi's profile was updated 5 tahun, 6 bulan lalu
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